not the visa. better!
though now that i've uploaded all these i realize i should have held out. you know. rationed the awesome.
ah well. i'm impatient as i'm sure many of you are.
soupy goodness which happened last month. alas my camera ran out of batteries before i could capture a photo of the whole chicken sticking out of the soup pot which was far too snug for my tiny chicken...

soy sauce, chicken, and daikon make tasty broth.

mmmm... chicken bits, diakon, bok choy, scallions, preserved turnip, and ramen. makes my tummy warm just thinking about it.

my new bedmate. he's small but takes up a lot of space. plus he snores. he also yips in his sleep.

does this constitute animal cruelty? i mean. look at him. he's adorable! he also refused to move once he was forced into this outfit. something you should realize is that these overalls have the peanuts gang embroidered on them and were hand made in japan. spoiled dog.

this is a very sharp kitty. not sharp in the "why look that kitty is working on quantum mechanics" sort of way. more of the "and these ginsu knives will still slice a tomato after carving up all these concrete slabs" sort of way. but he did manage to warm my heart a little. if only because of all the blood letting.

oh and you can help me decide on which "look" to use for my upcoming passport photo shoot...
here i am looking to the right.

now i'm looking to the left... i'm like a real life zoolander!

ooh or how about leaning all graceful-like against a banister?

or here... where i appear to be checking out my own assets. yeeeup... still there. which i guess is good?

man, do i ever love those pearls AND that blue ribbon...

and now. avert your gaze. this one is only for hubby.

you guys looked didn't you.