they say it's not the destination that counts. but the journey.often we get so caught up in the mode of transport on our journey. we are sidetracked by the vehicle we're traveling in. so enchanted are we, we fail to notice where we're going. or where we've been.we're distracted by the mod cons of our little floating bubbles. we're too concerned with having enough gadgets to fidget with. to pass the time in a waking coma. we're so obsessed with comfort and ease. we pull the window shade down. we close ourselves off from the glare outside. from the imagined unsavory and unwanted. and all the while the pretty scenery is forgotten.after a age we think to check our progress. we find our destination is somehow lost. farther than last we thought. our path has circled and converged. wound in tighter circles. and diverted in lazy we make up our minds to clear our path. remove the shiny baubles that glint and glimmer. extract ourselves from our comfortable armor. throw back the window shades and set back down the road on all the journey step by smelled.heard.and seen.i wouldn't say i've gone off my much as to say.i forgot i was traveling.
roaming through past history. rifling through times gone by. my grandmother in laws house is a shrine to years well past. brown and orange wallpaper. shag pile carpet. magazines from the 1970's. most in pretty well perfect condition.
it's strange to sleep. with history infiltrating your dreams. avocado painted nightmares. tangerine heavens.
i found a yearbook. with a name that i don't know. it's for senior year 1970. and the art supplies and sewing books. it's like living in a museum. and i want to keep it all. despite the parental voices... get rid get rid. Maybe you want to learn how to pass a urine drug test for a job? About this in the next post.
i've found so much i want to keep. but i have no storage place. i wish i could convince them. of the treasure trove they wish to dump.
i was carded today. for a bottle of white wine and a pack of cigs. now. this would be a compliment in any country. but given the fact that the legal drinking/smoking age of this country is 18... eighteen?!
so i presume i look under or between the age of 18 and 21. that was a nice little surprise for me today.just a little up for my constant down.
twinkling lights. reflections of presents on colored glass baubles. ribbons. glossy paper and sparkling's the eve.this is my first as a married's strange. i know there are many more firsts to be had. and there are so many more seconds to come.i hope you all enjoy your day as much as i know we will.merry merry!
my new home.
now i'm off to go pick up the fat kitten from London. pay attention. i'm going to LONDON to pick up the cat. LONDON is 3 hours away. i am in Manchester. huge difference. (pointed look to the daddy).
chicken. noodles. green onion. daikon. bok choy. soy sauce. and a crap load of preserved turnips.i will kill this cold with yellow slanty eyed hardheadedness dammit!